Work the Polls



Sign Up to be a Poll Worker

Due to COVID-19, there is an extreme shortage of poll workers. Help make sure all South Carolinians can vote and sign up today!

Poll workers are greatly needed in South Carolina and across the country this election. If you are willing and able to serve as a poll worker, our state needs you. Without enough poll workers, some county polling places will have to close and consolidate, leaving some citizens without easy access to a polling location and leading to longer lines at others. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions you may have about being a poll worker

Will I be paid?

Yes! You will earn at least $165 for working on election day.

Is there an age limit?

People as young as 16 years-old can work as paid poll workers in South Carolina.  In fact, county election officials uniformly report that they are among their most reliable workers, especially in managing the electronic voting system the state uses. There is no maximum age limit.

Will there be precautions for COVID-19?

Yes, all poll workers are provided special training for social distancing and sanitation and are equipped with personal protective equipment.

Do I need any special training?

All poll workers will be provided training for both COVID-19 precautions and for general poll working duties.

Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen?

Yes, you must be registered to vote in the state of South Carolina.

Will I lose my Unemployment Benefits?

No you will not. Individuals receiving unemployment benefits are not required to report the earnings from being a poll worker.