
The Lowcountry Ministries Fund was created in response to the fatal attack on a Bible study class at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church on June 17, 2015.  Its purpose is to address issues of social justice and economic empowerment in mostly underserved areas of Allendale, Hampton, Colleton, Jasper, rural parts of Beaufort, and Charleston counties.

The Fund is managed by The Palmetto Project, a statewide nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify innovative approaches to social and economic challenges facing South Carolina.  Through special partnerships with governments, businesses, civic groups, schools, and religious organizations, Palmetto Project strives to bring a fresh entrepreneurial spirit to the challenge of building successful communities.

The grant-making process is managed by the Palmetto Project in cooperation with The Honorable Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney Foundation, the mission of which is to improve the quality of life for all South Carolinians by supporting religious, educational, and charitable causes that the late Senator supported while serving as a leader in his church, community, and our state.  Funding recommendations will be made by an independent task force of volunteer reviewers with ties to the six counties in the Fund’s coverage area.

Funds are allocated as one-time grants to eligible organizations in the designated counties whose work aligns with the Fund’s focus on children, youth, and schools; health and access to care; economic empowerment; and food and nutrition.

Qualified applicant organization

Applicants must be tax-exempt organizations like a 501(c)(3) organization, a religious entity, or a public agency currently operating in the six-county area named above. Organizations with 501(c)(3) status must include a copy of their IRS letter indicating their non-profit status, as well as financial statements for the two most recently completed fiscal years (e.g., if your fiscal year is Jan-Dec, submit 2021 and 2022 financial statements.)

• Previously funded applicants may apply. This is a new funding cycle and all applications that meet the qualifications will be considered.
• If the applicant is a religious organization, a grant cannot be used for worship or normal church operation purposes.  Funds can be used for activities that a religious organization sponsors that directly benefit the wider community and do not generate profit for the religious activities of the church.
•  The same restrictions apply to governmental agencies and schools.  Costs associated with the ongoing administration, programming, or normal operations of these entities cannot be funded.  However, activities that benefit the community and do not generate operating income are acceptable.
• If the applicant organization is a public school or classroom, the application should come through its school district.

• If you are applying on behalf of a coalition or partnership, the application must come from a single lead organization that agrees to be held accountable for the management of the grant.
• Activities most likely to be funded will increase the capacity of a community to address children, youth, and schools; health and access to care; economic empowerment; and food and nutrition.  Start-up projects or programs can be considered, but may not necessarily receive the same priority as existing ones.
• Applicants not currently operating in the designated service area are not eligible for funding.
• The Fund cannot make grants to individuals, scholarship funds, or foundations.
Eligible activities

Grants from the Lowcountry Ministries Fund will give priority to eligible applicants that address the following:

Children, youth, and schools, Health and access to care. Economic empowerment,
Food and nutrition

Chris Williams
Phone: 843-266-5690